A ductile, malleable, reddish-brown metallic element
that is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and is widely used for
electrical wiring, water piping, and corrosion-resistant parts, either pure or
in alloys such as brass and bronze. The most common uses are in Tubing, pipes - Plumbing, Wire,
Electromagnets, Statues, Watt's steam engine, Vacuum tubes, Musical instruments,
Component of coins, Cookware and Cutlery.
We are learning about the element copper. The
name originates from the Latin word cyprium, after the island of Cyprus. Copper
was associated with the goddess named Aphrodite / Venus in Greek and Roman
mythology. The island of Cyprus was sacred to the goddess. In alchemy, the
symbol for copper was also the symbol for the planet Venus. In Greek times, the
metal was known by the name Chalkos. In Roman times, it became known as Cyprium
because so much of it was mined in Cyprus.
not every day that people consider all the neat facts about copper, but there
are rather interesting things to learn about this renewable metal. Fortunately,
there's no need to look any further, as we've found the best fun facts you need
to know about copper!
Statue of Liberty is made from 179,000 pounds of copper. The average home
contains 400 pounds of copper that is used for electrical wiring, pipes and
appliances. The average car has 50 pounds of copper. All gold contains some
level of copper, even 24 karat gold. This is because gold is so soft; it can be
molded with the hands and calls for a bit of copper to be added.
chefs prefer to cook with copper pots and pans, as it delivers uniform cooking
and has no heat spots. Copper is naturally antibacterial. Brass doorknobs,
handrails and fingerplates are excellent choices for public buildings and will
prevent the spread of bacteria. Copper tools will not cause sparks, making them
the tools of choice when working around explosives.
is 100% recyclable and nearly 80% of the copper that has been produced is still
in use today. Copper can continue to be recycled without any changes to its
properties. In fact, it retains 95% of its original value. Copper is often
referred to as "man's eternal metal". It's highly durable, long
lasting and can be used in all applications of life. The average person will
use 1500 pounds of copper just to enjoy today's standard of living. Think
computers, telephones, automobiles, etc.
coins today consist of a solid copper core and layer of copper-nickel alloy. A
copper earthing system could save the lives of people who are struck by
lightning, as well as save the homes and structures that are damaged from
lightning strikes. Copper is everywhere: TVs, radios, electrical wiring,
plumbing, washers and dryers. It is often alloyed with zinc or tin to make
brass or bronze, giving it a golden-like color. Archaeological evidence
suggests that people have been using copper for at least 11,000 years.
Relatively easy to mine and refine, people discovered methods for extracting
copper from its ores at least 7,000 years ago. Wow, now that is a lot of copper!
I didn't know copper was in vacuum tubes!